Income Tax Delhi Sportman Posts Sep-2012
Income Tax department
Office of the chief Commissioner of income Tax (CCA), Delhi-l
IIIrd floor , Central Revenue Building, l. p. Estate, New Delhi - 110002
Chief Commissioner of income Tax, Delhi-1 invites applications for the recruitment of the meritorious Sportspersons in different games/ sports :
- Inspector of income Tax : 05 posts, pay scale : Rs- 9300-34800 grade pay Rs 4600
- Tax Assistant : 25 posts, pay Scale : Rs - 5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2400
- Stenographer Gr .II :07 posts, pay Scale : Rs-5200-20200 grade pay Rs 2400
Age : 18-27 years
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be sent to the Additional Commissioner of
income -Tax (HQ-personnel) personnel, Room No. 378, III rd floor, Central Revenue Buiding, l. P. Estate, New Delhi-110002on or before 25/10/2012.
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