High court at Chandigarh reuires Clerks Nov-2012
Recruitment of temporary vacant posts of Clerks
The High Court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh application for filling up the following posts :
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format which should be acquired either personally /or by post by sending a DD of 350/-(Rs.200/-for reserve category ) drawn in favour of Registrar General, Punjab and Haryana High Court payable at Chandigarh on or before5/12/2012should reach the office on or before 15/12/2012 up to 5.00 P.M.
Please view : http://highcourtchd.gov.in/right_menu/recruitments/recruitment_files/clerktest16112012TO15122012.pdf
Recruitment of temporary vacant posts of Clerks
The High Court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh application for filling up the following posts :
- Clerk : 161 posts (UR-132,SC/ST/BC-16 Ex-servicemen-8,PH--5)Pay Scale -Rs. 10300 and Grade Pay :3200/-, Age : 18-30 years, relaxation in age as per rules, Qualification : Graduate
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format which should be acquired either personally /or by post by sending a DD of 350/-(Rs.200/-for reserve category ) drawn in favour of Registrar General, Punjab and Haryana High Court payable at Chandigarh on or before5/12/2012should reach the office on or before 15/12/2012 up to 5.00 P.M.
Please view : http://highcourtchd.gov.in/right_menu/recruitments/recruitment_files/clerktest16112012TO15122012.pdf