Anthology Gothic (2001 - 2011/Multi3)
The player who got into the world of "Gothic", gets to an unprecedented degree of freedom of role-playing games. Three-dimensional universe Mordraga gives him an opportunity to go through it in any way, to live and die under the sky Myrtana well as you'd like it to him.
Any quest for solutions, there are several different ways, and the choice can change the fate of the character. Only one player will be deprived of freedom - he can not leave this world without having studied it in minute detail, examining not all of his land and become acquainted with all its inhabitants. He can not leave without having mastered the art of battle, initially seeming simple, but gradually reveals all its subtlety, which can be mastered by the opponents of skill to win, much superior force. And even when seems that everything has come to know, be sure to open something new - such is this wonderful, full of dangers and mysteries of the world. A world that rewards its captives "Gothic."
Gothic (2001)
Genre : RPG / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer : Piranha Bytes Publisher : Xicat Interactive Publisher in Russia : 1C
Interface : English, Russian, German
Sound : Russian, English, German
The whole world - theater, and the people in it - the actors? Not here! Here the world - a prison, and the people in it - the prisoners. And it is here originates the great legend. It all started with the war with the orcs, for victory in which people needed ore. Its extracted prisoners who robbed the future: a cruel king ordered mages forever close them in the mines under the magic dome. Beings road through it was opened only in one direction - inside. The order was made, but due to a fatal error dome covered too much territory to imprison an entire country has become. Under this dome, and you are destined to be. For that ... And is it important? After all, you'll never go back to the world of the free. At least, so think your judges. We think that you had the chance to become the hero of amazing adventures. Heroes of legend!
Features of Release:
German version
English version
Russian version of 1C
Russian version of ShortScale
1.04d, in German. Available mine Old Camp.
1.07s, in German. There is little you can wander around the world.
German version
to version 1.08k
regenerating cut sounds and fixes some minor bugs in the game
English version
to version 1.08k
adds concert In Extremo
Russian version (1C)
adds concert In Extremo
regenerating cut sounds and fixes some minor bugs in the game
Russian version (ShortScale)
fix critical bugs that are unique to the version of ShortScale
regenerating cut sounds and fixes some minor bugs in the game
Promo 1999
Official Trailer
Video preview Gamestar magazine for September 1999
Video preview Gamestar magazine for March 2001
Video preview of the magazine PC Games for March 2001
Video preview of the magazine PC Player for March 2001
Muds Traum. Short video in German, about dreams Mada.
In the Sights (in German)
Rapid passage of Gothic for 54 minutes
Rapid passage of the Gothic in 33 minutes
Gothic - The Movie:
German original (Russian subtitles are present)
The English version, characterized by time (Russian subtitles are present)
The soundtrack for the game (192kbps)
Plucked out of the game music (192kbps)
The rest:
Cover (for all languages)
Various art
Gothic Mod Player Kit + 42 mode in different languages ??(it. / Eng. / Eng.)
Install and run:
- Select the desired location of the game
- Mount image
- Run setup.exe
- Follow the instructions
- Install the patch
- Play
- Operating system : Windows 98 / Windows ME / Windows 2000 / Windows XP
- CPU : Pentium III 1000
- Memory : 256 MB
- Video Card : 3D-accelerator, 32 MB
- Sound card : compatible with DirectX 8.0
- Hard disk space : 1400 MB
Gothic 2 (2003)
Genre : RPG / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer : Piranha Bytes Publisher : JoWooD Productions Publisher in Russia : Akella
Interface : English, Russian, German
Sound : Russian, English, German
Universe "Gothic" is huge, and its depth is amazing. In the old days on the ground rules of the cruel king Rotbar Second, who treated people fairly well, but each province, he sent into the mines forever, forcing the mine - the most valuable resource in this country fantasy. He created a prison for convicts was enclosed magical dome lying court magicians who were able to create it so that passing beyond it, nothing living could no longer go back. But magicians have not calculated their strength - remained in isolation prisoners took control of the prison setting there are rules. In exchange for a vital resource prisoners received from the King of the necessities of life: food, clothing, new employees, concubines and other ... While people are mine, the governor of the Gothic continued to wage war with the Orcs, thousands of monsters, bloodthirsty, sought to destroy humanity, killing a huge number of famous warriors. The main weapon against the Orc is the one most precious ore from which people create swords, axes, spears, etc. The second part of one of the best role-playing games of 2001 tells us continuing the exciting story. There was a time when famous magic barrier collapsed, to set free thousands of prisoners in the county seyavshih confusion and robbery. Land once filled with life began to die, drowning in huge quantities of human blood. These events are not the most terrible, smelling the odor of death, under the earth woke up from a long sleep terrifying demons, it is now decided that the time was their hour, the hour when the world will rule the dark force ... Only one man is destined to defeat the forces of evil, they become you!
- Adventure role-playing game with an unprecedented freedom of action opens the way to the medieval universe permeated by magic;
- Camp robbers and mage tower replaced the huge caves and dens podzmelya monsters;
- Non-linear storyline and more than 200 excellent voiced characters breathe life into every moment of the game;
- One of the most successful in the history of artificial intelligence genre (AI) creates a realistic atmosphere interaction with the environment;
- Acquired skills and characteristics immediately find their visual representation in the main character, eliminating the endless figures and statistics;
- The graphics engine provides high quality graphics and spetsefektov, animation, facial expressions, and highly detailed human and fantasy creatures.
Features of Release:
German version
English version
Russian version
E3 Teaser
Interview with E3 (in German)
E3 on TV 3Sat (in German)
3 commercials Enter the World of Gothic 2
Fan film Dragonstrike
The soundtrack for the game (192kbps)
Plucked out of the game music (192kbps)
The rest:
Demo version (German)
Cover (for all languages)
Various art
Install and run:- Select the desired location of the game
- Mount image
- Run setup.exe
- Follow the instructions
- Enter the CD-KEY
- Play
- Operating system : Windows 98 / Windows ME / Windows 2000 / Windows XP
- CPU : Pentium III 700MHz
- Memory : 256 MB RAM (512 MB ??for Windows XP)
- Graphics Card : 32 MB DirectX 8-compatible graphics card (GeForce 2 level and above)
- Sound Card : DirectX 9.0c compatible
- Hard disk space : 2.5 GB
Gothic 2: Night of the Raven (2003)
Genre : Add-on / RPG / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer : Piranha Bytes Publisher : JoWooD Productions Publisher in Russia : Akella
Interface : English, Russian, German Sound : Russian, English, German
System requirements :
- Operating system : Windows ME / Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows 7
- CPU : Pentium IV 1.5 GHz
- Memory : 256 MB RAM
- Graphics Card : 64 MB DirectX9-compatible graphics card (level ATI Radeon 9xxx, GeForce 3 and above)
- Sound Card : DirectX 9.0c compatible
- Hard disk space : 1.6 GB
New mysterious story is woven into the fascinating story of "Gothic 2." warlike god Beliar about to wake up, and only the powerful mages of the secret Circle Water can stop the cruel deity. But without you they are powerless, but because - in the way! After all, only the winner of the Sleeper, the resurrected Xardas the necromancer can save the kingdom from the wrath of Beliar. Supplement "Most Wanted" brings to the game world an incredible amount of innovation. The area of the game world has increased by 30% due to a whole new field - Yarkendara. In the north Yarkendara a canyon inhabited by orcs, and other dangerous creatures. To the west of the canyon stretches shore - the land of the fresh breeze and the home of pirates, who have found refuge in this remote corner of the kingdom. To the east lie the dark caverns and treacherous swamps. Here, among the swamps infested swamp monsters and bandits staged his lair. And in the south Yarkendara buried ruins of an ancient civilization - a storehouse of ancient wisdom and artifacts of unprecedented force. Together with the add-one in the world of "Gothic 2" came three new faction! From now on, the hero will not only become a paladin, mercenary or fire mage, but a bandit, a magician of water and even a real pirate! Along with the new character classes to the game was a lot of new skills. With the help of their hero to learn mine, cook drinks and securely search for hidden treasures. As a brave warrior can learn the ancient language and will open for themselves the meaning of ancient manuscripts, which will help him to become more powerful. now our hero will increasingly have to act not alone. Now can follow him up to four companions to help him in a fierce battle with the monsters that inhabit the edge of the former colony, as well as the surrounding land. And as the number of different kinds of monsters and their power greatly increased, a couple of stalwart warriors, fighting shoulder to shoulder with the hero, hardly seem superfluous. walking the game world, you meet more than 100 characters, among which are the new actors and old friends. In the difficult journey to the desperate hero to overcome hundreds of monsters, learn new spells, acquire powerful artifacts and priceless knowledge that will help him overcome Beliar in the final battle.
- A new story branch that helps even more closely acquainted with the multifaceted role of the universe "Gothic"
- The Kingdom has increased by one third: before you spread out the vast swamps, deep canyon, dark caves and sea coast
- Three additional guild bandits, pirates and mysterious circle of Water
- A revised system of skills and new skills for the main character
- New models of weapons, armor and spells
- Many unknown monsters who are smarter and much more
- More than a hundred characters who exist for you fresh jobs as well as secrets of survival in the world of "Gothic", which they are willing to share.
Features of Release:
German version
English version
Russian version
German version
to version 1.08k
correcting script errors, typos, errors in the dialogues, etc.
Russian version
correcting script errors, typos, errors in the dialogues, etc.
corrects NPC voiceovers
Rapid passage
Passage with minimal expo
The soundtrack for the game (192kbps)
Plucked out of the game music (192kbps)
The rest:
Covers (for Russian and German versions)
Gothic 2 Mod Player Kit + 67 mods in different languages ??(it. / Eng. / Eng.)
Install and run:
- NOTE: The game does not start without the original version of Gothic 2!
- Set Gothic II
- Select the desired location of the game
- Mount image
- Run setup.exe
- Follow the instructions
- Install the patch in your No-CD
- Play
Gothic 3(2006)
Genre : RPG / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer : Pluto 13 Publisher : JoWooD Productions Publisher in Russia : GFI / ShortScale
Interface : English, Russian, German Sound : Russian, English, German
You have saved the island Khorinis (Khorinis) from the creatures of evil in the previous games in the series "Gothic 1" and "Need for Speed ??2." Now, welcome to the mainland. The invading hordes of Orcs have enslaved the human kingdom. The few who were able to preserve the freedom of hiding in the arid southern desert and the ice in the northern territories. A handful of rebels in the mountains and forests of Midland (Midland) is trying to organize resistance to the enemy. You will be able to join the insurgents, or to enlist the orcs. But in any case, you will play a major role in the future events and decide the outcome of the war. In Gothic 3 will not be the story line in the conventional sense - every episode of the game will be the only and unique. Soon! The fate of Myrtana (Myrtana) will be in your hands.
- A new combat system - a simple and convenient;
- Description development now depends on the player's actions;
- Game world - huge, free and virtually limitless;
- Powerful AI controls the behavior of all the NPC;
- Hundreds of characters - each unique and well developed personality with her voice and character traits;
- An incredible number of tasks and quests;
- More than 50 types of monsters and animals;
- More than 50 types of spells;
- More than 100 types of weapons;
- Free system of the character class.
Features of Release:
German version
English version
Russian version
Render scavenger
Render - Orc against Carrion
Pre-E3 2005 Teaser
Trailer from E3 2005
Report from the E3 2005 Giga TV
Report from the 2005 edition of E3 JustGamers
E3 2005 presentation with filmed
Report from the GC 2005 online edition gamona
Report from the 2005 GC channel Giga
Report from the 2005 edition of GC JustGamers
Report from the 2005 GC fan site World of Gothic
Report about the third Gothic channel 3Sat
Animation Slider
Trailer from E3 2006
Gameplay E3 2006, filmed magazine Gambling
Seven gameplay video from E3 2006 provided the publication Gamespot
Gameplay video from E3 2006, filmed publication Gamestar
Report from the 2006 GC fan site World of Gothic
Official teaser
Gameplay Trailer
Official U.S. Trailer
Advertising with magazine PC Games
Demonstration Gothic with shaders 1.4
Gameplay video showing the battle
An early version of the intro to the game
Quick passing game
The rest:
Community Patch 1.7
Cover (for all languages)
Various art
The soundtrack for the game (mp3 320kbps and FLAC)
Install and run:
- NOTE: Not guaranteed to work on laptops!
- Select the desired location of the game
- Mount image
- Run setup.exe
- Follow the instructions
- Install the patch Community Patch 1.7
- Play
- Operating system : Windows ME / Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows 7
- Processor : Intel Pentium IV 2 GHz or Athlon XP 2000 +
- Memory : 1024 MB RAM
- Video card : GeForce 3 or Radeon 8500
- Sound Card : DirectX 9.0c compatible
- Hard disk space : 4.6 GB
Gothic 3: Rejected by the Gods(2008)
Genre : Add-on (Standalone) / RPG / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer : Trine Game Studios Publisher : JoWooD Productions
Interface : English, Russian, German Sound : Russian, English, German
Two years after the events of Gothic 3 nameless hero returns to earth, he has helped to unite and preserve the integrity of, and learns that all his efforts were in vain - the nation split into smaller groups and went to war with each other.
Old friends of the hero became leaders of militant groups and to opt for one of them is not so easy. "Gothic 3: Rejected by the Gods" tells about the events of the world of Gothic, over which hung above the veil of mystery ...
- A huge number of new weapons
- Exciting quests
- Renewed fighting system
Features of Release:
German version
English version
Russian version
1.06 (for Russian)
1.08 (for the English and German)
The rest:
Covers (for German)
Trailer for the game
Install and run:
- NOTE: Add-on STAND-ALONE (set by Gothic 3 is not required)
- Select the desired location of the game
- Mount image
- Run setup.exe
- Follow the instructions
- Install the patch
- Play
- Operating system : Windows ME / Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows 7
- Processor : 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4, Athlon XP or equivalent
- Memory : 512 MB ??RAM
- Video Card : DirectX-compatible video card with 128 MB VRAM
- Sound Card : DirectX 9.0c compatible
- Hard disk space : 4.6 GB
Gothic 4: Arcania(2010)
Genre : RPG (Rogue / Action) / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer : Spellbound Entertainment Publisher : JoWooD Entertainment
Interface : English, Russian, German, Multi6 Sound : Russian, English, German, Multi6
The war, wrapped in the southern islands of the bloody mist, at last, has reached the island Feshir, which until recently was dominated by calm and idyllic. The protagonist of the game "Gothic 4: Arcania" returns to his village and finds her plundered and ruined. Those who attacked her, went to sea in their boats under sail with the emblem of an eagle. Our hero, obsessed with vengeance, goes to the next adventure full of dangers, but soon realizes that the thugs attack on defenseless peaceful village was not just somebody's momentary whim. For all the world events, as it turns out, is the invisible evil force, and our hero will soon meet with the mighty unknown enemy. But he opposes it not alone - his fate is inextricably linked to the mysterious beautiful stranger, as well as a powerful artifact from the long-forgotten past. Action game "Gothic 4: Arkania" comes in an exciting and beautiful world, which attracts players of its wonderful landscapes and unsolved mysteries. Zones with different climatic conditions, rich and diverse flora and fauna, dark dungeons, towns and ancient castles to the magnificent architecture - all this awaits new adventure seekers. The graphics in this game is amazing - day and night, overcast sky clouds, light and shadow, wind and rain will not leave anyone indifferent. Realistic sound effects and wonderful music tracks even deeper immerses players in an atmosphere of peace Arcania, a entangled Description, a lot of jobs and well-designed combat system will not allow them to be bored for many memorable hours spent playing. South Islands are waiting for you!
Features of Release:
Edition from Akella
TRiViUM ??v1.0 [ENG \ GER] (SecuROM 07.42 + DFA + Matroschka)
TRiViUM ??v1.0 [RU] (SecuROM 07.42 + DFA + Matroschka)
RELOADED v1.0 [EN] (SecuROM)
SKiDROW Patch 2 [EN / RU] (SecuROM)
Install and run:
- Select the desired location of the game
- Mount image
- Run setup.exe
- Follow the instructions
- Copy the contents of the Cracks, a folder with a game with the replacement
- Play
- Operating system : Windows ® XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
- Processor : Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 3500 +
- Memory : 1 GB (1.5 GB for Vista)
- Video Card : ATI 1800XT 256 MB or 256 MB Nvidia 6800
- Sound Card : DirectX 9.0c compatible
- Hard disk space : 11 GB
Arcania: Fall of Setarrif (2011)
Genre : Add-on (Standalone) / RPG (Rogue / Action) / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer : Spellbound Entertainment Publisher : Nordic Games Publishing
Interface : English, German, Multi5 Sound : English, German, Multi5
Fall of Setarrif is the first supplement to the popular RPG ArcaniA: Gothic 4, in which players waiting for over 10 hours of exciting gameplay, a new storyline, as well as many answers to urgent questions. On a Description of the game, a small coastal town Setarrif destroys a mysterious demon, and only the nameless hero can deal with the threat and restore it in order.
In addition players waiting for new locations, quests, items, and meeting with previously unseen monsters. Among other things, the first time in the series, players will be able to play for the different characters from the world of "Gothic", each of which will have their own unique skills and abilities.
- Continuation of the popular role-playing game Arcania: Gothic 4.
- Apply in combat skills and abilities of experienced allies.
- Fight new enemies, and terrifying monsters.
- Use the unique weapons and combat skills.
- Run autorun.exe
- Select the language game
- Follow the instructions
- Play
- Operating system : Windows ® XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
- Processor : Pentium IV / Athlon 64 2.4 GHz
- Memory : 2 GB
- Video Card : DirectX 9.0 - compatible 3D-graphics card of GeForce 8600 GTS / Radeon X1900 c 256 MB memory
- Sound Card : DirectX 9.0c compatible
- Hard drive space : 4 GB